@inbook{59326, author = {Markus K. Brunnermeier and Yuliy Sannikov}, title = {Macro, Money and Finance: A Continuous-Time Approach}, abstract = {

This paper puts forward a manual for how to set up and solve a continuous time model that allows to analyze endogenous (1) level and risk dynamics. The latter includes (2) tail risk and crisis probability as well as (3) the Volatility Paradox. Concepts such as (4) illiquidity and liquidity mismatch, (5) endogenous leverage, (6) the Paradox of Prudence, (7) undercapitalized sectors (8) time-varying risk premia, and (9) the external funding premium are part of the analysis. Financial frictions also give rise to an endogenous (10) value of money.

}, year = {2017}, journal = {Handbook of Macroeconomics}, volume = {2B}, pages = {1497-1546}, publisher = {North-Holland}, language = {eng}, }